Monday, September 15, 2008

So I have been tagged thanks to Maria. 6 Random things about me.

1. I always have to check on my kids before I go to bed. Just enough to see if I can hear them still breathing. If something ever happened in the middle of the night then I know I did all I could do.

2. I iron almost everything. I got that from my sister. I iron shirts, pants, my kids clothes. I think the clothes look better. I know I am crazy. Sometimes it takes me a couple of hours if I put it off for a while. But on a side note, my sister does iron her pj's so I am not so crazy.

3. I love when Jeremy will cook. He makes killer Mexican food.

4. My mom and I have the same Birthday. It is the coolest thing ever. It is fun to share that with her.

5. I hate being late. I will wake up way early just to be on time. I set out clothes the night before along with getting the diaper bag ready. Especially to church now that they make us all sit up front. That is more then enough motivation for me.

6. My cell phone is my life. If I ever lost it I would be in big trouble. I wouldn't know anyone's numbers. I always have it on me.

The Rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.2. Post the rules on your blog.3. Write 6 random things about yourself.4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.5. Let the person know you tagged them on their blog.6. Let the tagger know when you've posted.

I tag Windy, Kellie, Kiora, and Carly


Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

Fun Molly!!! Learning new things is always fun!! I dont think I could think up 6 random thoughts!!!

Jen said...

EEEWWW! I hate to iron. Good woman. You probably think our clothes look awful! :)

Windy said...

I hate to iron...I will have to think real hard about some random things about me...thanks alot haha!